Use limitless amounts of data to truly engage on a 1:1 level

Data is the foundation for intelligent, powerful marketing, but without the right tech partner, that data is useless. With a powerful data platform at Cordial’s core, you can easily access incredible amounts of data, instantly, to engage customers in highly personalized ways across channels. Unlike other platforms, there’s no additional cost to transform all of your data into valuable customer experiences.

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Cordial’s data platform collects all your customer and business data via real-time data feeds from anywhere in your technology stack.

You can immediately use that data in Cordial's native messaging tools to segment audiences, test and optimize content, and trigger personalized messages across email, SMS, and mobile app in a unified way.

  • For your marketing team Deeper understanding of your customer and the ability to send complex, personal messages in minutes
  • For your technology team Integrate infinite data sources exactly as they are, without changing your schemas or structures
  • For your business Increased customer loyalty and retention, ultimately driving more revenue

Collect data from anywhere

Cordial’s real-time customer data platform collects contact, event, behavior, product, and purchase data from all of your systems: POS systems, connected IoT products, mobile apps, beacons, websites, product inventory, CRMs, customer data platforms, and more.

Unlock more of your data

Cordial Supplements help you to customize data collections specific to your brand so you can leverage more detailed information about your customers, stores, inventory or promotions to send more finite messaging to individuals.

Unlock data example

Get more data about your customer

Cordial’s fully integrated ID Graph — Identity+ — helps you recognize contacts who anonymously browse your site and connect all of their buying signals to your contact’s profile. By capturing more relevant data points on your customers, you can target and trigger more personal messages to improve their experience.

Example of ID

Unify and transform your data

Architect, Cordial's data transformation and modeling tool, helps marketers unify data from multiple sources, transform it in a single platform, and then create custom machine-learning models to automate new customer campaigns.

Unifying data example

Integrate into your tech stack

Maximize your martech stack’s value with 100+ leading technology and service partners. Cordial’s open and flexible architecture allows you to easily stream data in and out of the platform using a REST API, mobile SDKs, customizable webhooks, native ETL, and robust partner integrations.

Integrations network example

Activate data the second it’s available

Manual CSV uploads and nightly updates are a thing of the past. Data flows into Cordial in real-time, meaning you can react to customer behavior and actions the moment they happen, from any channel—without file reformatting or external data manipulation.

Activate data example of triggered messages

Implementing Cordial has streamlined our marketing operations and provided a single source of truth for customer data, improving how we unify data, segment customers and execute across global markets. Cordial’s platform provides us with the agility and speed to drive customer-first campaigns globally, creating better customer engagement and fueling our growth.

Salima Popatia, Chief Digital Officer, Orveon Global

Learn about the rest of our cross-channel marketing products

Messaging Activation

Align your teams to create campaigns quickly with easy-to-use workflows that transform all of your data into personalized experiences.

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Messaging Activation Icon
Cross-channel Experiences

Use marketing automation to tailor messages or trigger campaigns to each person and channel at time of send.

Learn more