Return to All Resources AWS NAMER DNB Meetup: How Cordial reduces operational complexity with EKS, Karpenter & Bottlerocket 1 Minute Read Company Data Engineering Recommended for you Cordial achieves AWS Retail Competency status 6 ways legacy ESPs are holding marketers back Why data sharing is important for real-time personalization Daniel SchaaffLead DevOps Engineer In November 2023, Cordial’s Lead DevOps Engineer, Daniel Schaaff was invited to speak at the AWS DNB North America Enterprise Support Customer Meetup. In this talk, Daniel shares how we were able to simplify our environment, speed up scaling performance, and achieve 18% in monthly savings by implementing EKS, Karpenter, and Bottlerocket." class="__youtube_prefs__ no-lazyload" title="YouTube player" allow="fullscreen; accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen data-no-lazy="1" data-skipgform_ajax_framebjll=""> Our best content to your inbox, every month Picked For You Article 5 steps to kickstart your customer obsession journey Are you ready to take your enterprise to the next level? The key is to… Article What B2B companies can learn from their B2C counterparts about customer advocacy Whether it be a well-researched purchase of a pair of running shoes or splurging on… Future-thinking brands choose Cordial to drive record-level customer engagement and revenue growth Get a demo