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The power of personalization for today’s consumers

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CordialSend a better message.

We hear from marketing execs all the time how they are still struggling with meaningful message personalization for customers. 

Case in point: in a recent poll we conducted with 500 U.S. retailers, 48% of marketers admitted that the extent of their email personalization was still just using customers’ first names.

Since consumers are much more likely to do business with a company that knows and understands them, it is of the utmost importance for marketers to invest in the right technology to develop meaningful personalization. 

Nowadays, the technology exists to help marketers master dynamic audience segmentation (where 35% of survey respondents intend to increase their investment in 2019) and dynamic behavior-based content personalization (where 30% plan to increase their investment). 

In fact, it’s easier than ever to do 1:1 email personalization, driving consumer engagement and loyalty to new levels by showing that you are paying attention to their preferences and needs.