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Keep the momentum going post-holiday

3 Minute Read

CordialSend a better message.

The holiday season comes with increasing numbers of shoppers ready to spend, more incentives to shop, and increases in sales volume. Soon after that post-holiday sales can often slow as 51% of Americans say they aim to make better financial decisions in January.

There are still several incentives you can use to entice your customers to make post-holiday purchases and keep the momentum going. Here are some ways to keep customer engagement up through the slower months of the year:

Send back-in-stock email notifications

If your top-selling products are now back in stock and ready to ship, let your customers know with a back-in-stock email campaign. Set up a batch email to send to contacts that viewed or saved the out-of-stock product in the past and never purchased, or create an email automation to notify your customers as soon as the product they want is back in stock to keep your messaging timely and relevant. Platforms like Cordial make this easy and scalable for marketing teams.

Lean on flash sales and winter clearance

With seasons changing and new products for spring coming soon, it’s time to clear the winter stock. Run flash sales or offer bulk-buy discounts to clear out old stock before the new comes in.

Incentivize your loyalty program

Introducing new incentives for members in your loyalty program helps deepen loyalty. You can present exclusive offers for members only like shopping vouchers during slow periods, free delivery, or even gifts. 

Run contests or giveaways

Whether you run combined giveaways with a partner or conduct solo giveaways, this can be a great way to boost brand and product awareness, sparking a flurry of purchases from those who entered the giveaway but didn’t take home the prize.

Launch a new product

Post-holiday is the perfect time to increase engagement, especially when you have a new item or service ready—or soon ready—to launch. By allowing people to preview the opportunity, you’re not only getting them excited about what’s coming: you’re also creating warm contacts who will be even more willing to make a purchase during launch or when the time is right later in the year. Allowing customers to add your goods to a wish list or enter their names to a waiting list puts them in your sales funnel, expanding your reach and giving you a chance to follow up with other small, separate but similar offers.

Finding new ways to engage your customers can help build the relationship between your brand and your customers will ultimately lead to an increase in customer lifetime value. If you are interested in learning more about the power of using data to send a better message to your customers, contact us today.