What we learned at the Glossy Modern Commerce Summit
What is moments-based marketing?
4 ways to build better marketing campaign orchestrations
Enhancing your workflows with personalized direct mail automation
4 ways to increase customer engagement post-holiday
Invest in yourself: The value of professional certifications
What Cordial’s top support articles tell us about 2020 messaging trends
See how it works: Dynamic content and templates in Message Builder
Build, develop, and invest in a customer-obsessed enterprise
Amplify your brand’s customer obsession with agile marketing
What B2B companies can learn from their B2C counterparts about customer advocacy
How to manage your COVID-19 messaging in Cordial
New Year’s resolutions to help build a competitive advantage in 2020
So long, RFPs! Make better purchasing decisions with a proof of concept
Leveraging mParticle audiences to create 1:1 experiences in Cordial
The key to success for today’s retail innovators: customer obsession
RFP vs POC: Why the proof of concept is replacing the request for proposal
The 10 essential email metrics & KPIs to track
What we learned analyzing the website email acquisition strategies of Total Retail’s Top 100 Omnichannel Retailers
Your email creation process could use a makeover: Streamline, personalize, & optimize with Sculpt
How to improve your email campaigns using a customer-centric marketing approach
Imagine you need to pull in web data, commerce data, and point of sale data…
We know that news headlines haven’t been especially kind to retailers lately. As industry growth…