Content Types
Determine what content is working best with Predictive Intelligence
Distributed marketing and the distributed marketer with SmarterSends
Know what content to send with Predictive Intelligence
Leverage Predictive Intelligence to determine which audience to engage
Will iOS 15 break the internet?
3 ways marketers can prepare for a challenging holiday season
Get the latest on how to connect with your customers in more relevant ways.
Early adoption of iOS 15 is on the rise – here’s what we know so far
3 observations from iOS 15’s Mail Privacy Protection public beta
The Cordial Cross-Channel Marketing Study
iOS 15 brings enhanced email privacy features: 6 things marketers should do today
Today’s empowered consumers expect cross-channel experiences
Timing is everything: 3 tips for using Cordial Quiet Hours
Take these 6 steps to strengthen customer loyalty with data
Are you iOS 15 ready?
You ask, we answer: FAQ video series with the Cordial team
Cordial Revenue Insights: Which campaigns are really driving the most revenue?
Guarantee a cohesive customer experience with Contact Merge
What every retailer can learn from Amazon
Calculate your potential revenue from email marketing with Cordial in two steps
The time is now to get ahead of your holiday marketing strategy
Beginner SMS marketing tips for resource-strapped teams
Email marketers, think of mobile apps as an opportunity for your most loyal customers (an…
While every marketer is facing their own set of challenges and opportunities, two common threads…